NEW MUSIC VIDEO: ¡Dejen de hacer música!

Apr 26, 2023


The Wooly Digest Illustration
April 26, 2023
Today we proudly release the new Wooly music video, ¡Dejen de hacer música!
This was the secret video that was awarded for solving the scavenger hunt Pista picante. And now that Wooly Week is over, this video is available for all subscribers.
¡Dejen de hacer música!
What is it about?
"¡Dejen de hacer música!" is about a teacher trying his best to model the structure dejar de while staying 100% in the target language. However, as is often the case in our stories, things do not go as planned.
That doesn't sound very exciting. What's it really about?
Filmed in the heart of the pandemic, the video is about the severe disconnect that occurred between students and teachers during that time. It's about a teacher who tries to barrel forward with the curriculum, but keeps missing the forest for the trees.
That still sounds a bit heavy. And maybe a bit pretentious?
Yeah, but it's funny. And students dance.
What does the video teach?
This video is an exercise in language minimalism. It focuses on the structure "Dejar de + infinitive", and even your Spanish 1 students will easily pick it up.
I know that "Dejar de" is not traditionally considered a novice structure, but it should be! Not only is it easy to acquire, but it's incredibly common and useful language, particularly in a classroom setting.
Wait, so you do still make classroom videos with kids?
Yes! Even though we like to tell stories about dragons and Ganga Girls, we still always circle back to real students in class learning real Spanish. In a country where millions of students never even leave their hometown, we think it's really important for students to see other students embracing Spanish.
Is it appropriate for all ages?