Billy et les bottes : The Teacher's Guide


Billy et les bottes : The Teacher's Guide

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Want to teach with the graphic novel, Billy et les bottes?  If so, you will absolutely need this teacher's guide.  This digital download is an essential collection of support materials to aid you in the activities seen in the graphic novel training tutorials.  

The teacher's guide is broken into the following components:

  • The circling guide (136 pages).  This is an unbelievably comprehensive resource in which we provide you with a series of questions and conversation topics for nearly ever single panel in the entire book.  Yes, you read that right.  Nearly every single illustration! Want to discuss the 5th illustration on page 32?  We'll provide you with a list of recommended questions, structures and and vocabulary to help make it happen. 
  • A powerpoint containing all slides from the book
  • A secondary powerpoint containing all slides from the book, but with the dialogue removed.  
  • Dialogue Alley.  For more information on this, watch the tutorial video.


I had the pleasure of working with the excellent translator, Agnès Denvir, a native speaker of France as well as a French teacher. Not only is her language impeccable, but she also knows how to pare down the language to essential high-frequency structures. Additional translations were made by Cécile Lainé, another native speaker and French teacher.

Billy la bufanda has been used successfully in elementary through high school for years. Some teachers assume it's just for young kids since the imagery does seem like it's targeting younger audiences. However, although the story is perfectly appropriate for elementary, the humor is much more targeted to middle school and high school.

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