Acquire Spanish with Graphic Novels

Even your most reluctant readers will be powerless to resist these compelling stories.

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It's time to let Spanish teachers in on a secret that ELA teachers learned 20 years ago:

Graphic novels promote literacy

Graphic Novel sample #1 La casa de la dentista

Most kids in Carolina's town think The Legend of the Dentist is a lie designed to scare them into brushing their teeth. But Carolina can’t shake the fear that something insidious is bubbling under the surface.

Not Your Average E-Reader

Pre-built e-readers could never do justice to our stunning graphic novels. That's why we spent almost a year developing our own cutting-edge reader. It features:

A speech bubble from a Graphic Novel with Novice Low text: 'Víctor, tienes 7 días.'

4 Levels of Dialogue

We want all students to read our great stories. That's why we wrote the dialogue at four different levels to meet the needs of each reader!

Quick Glossary Access

No more wasting time at the back of the book! With one click, students can access the translations they need for that particular page or panel.

Audio Recorded by Professional Actors

To make the reading experience more accessible and comprehensible, professional actors (almost all of whom are native Spanish speakers) have recorded every single line of dialogue.

Page View vs. Panel View

Read the graphic novel the way you want! Our application allows you to view the whole page or one illustration at a time.

Control the Library!

Whether you unlock all graphic novels on day 1 or instead release them slowly throughout the year, the choice is yours.

Graphic Novel sample #2 Me llamo Victor

A 300-page prequel to our popular Guapo music videos. This graphic novel tells the story of teenager Víctor, a talented but invisible teenager who receives a very powerful gift.

The covers of 4 books: Billy y las botas, La casa de La Dentista, Me llamo Víctor Parte 1, and Me llamo Víctor Parte 2

These books are also
available in print!

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The Graphic Novel eLearning Activities

Leveled and Gamified Input

Hundreds of online comprehension activities for each graphic novel!

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A smartphone and a laptop display the dashboard page

Ready for your students to acquire Spanish with graphic novels?

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Don’t forget about the other side of Wooly!

Learn Spanish with Music Videos

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